Round Table Family
Founded 1953
Tangent Clubs
Tangent is an organisation for women, mainly aged over 45, currently celebrating its 50th Anniversary. The Association is a place where women can make good friends, have good times and find the opportunity to support good causes.
Founded 2014
Tangent Clubs International
The Charter of Tangent Club International (TCI) took place on the 3rd of May 2014 during the 41 Club International Conference in Korsør, Denmark with Founder members of Cyprus, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway and Sweden – representing around 14,000 Tangent Members. TCI continues to grow with interest from countries from all over the world who are keen to stay connected and let friendship continue.
Founded 1932
Ladies Circle
Ladies Circle is open to women aged 18-45 and is Tangent’s sister organisation, sharing the same core values of friends, having fun and supporting local causes. Ladies Circle is a modern, vibrant club which offers the best opportunity possible for young women to connect, have a great time and give something back. Circlers first join because they want to make new friends, have fun, do things they’ve never done before, and put something back into the community at the same time.
Founded 1959
Ladies Circle International
Find new friends close to home and across the globe. Ladies Circle is the sisterhood we all deserve. If you are a woman between 18 and 45 who wants to get more out of life, then Ladies Circle is for you! Ladies Circle strives to make a difference both locally and internationally through their charity projects. Together Ladies Circle accomplishes so much! Widen your world and your personal network, Ladies Circle has over 13,000 members in 43 countries worldwide. New in your town? Check if there is a local circle! “A Circler is a friend you just haven’t met yet.”
Founded 1945
41 Club
41 Club or The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs was formed in 1945 and is open to past Round Tablers over 40. 41 Club specialises in continuing the friendships made in Round Table. The philosophy of the club is similar to that of Round Table, but often less ‘active’. The Club’s main purpose is to support Round Table and, if possible, participate in local community service initiatives or charity work. However, the ‘continued friendship’ and ‘fellowship’ aspect is of great importance. Most clubs meet monthly, usually semi-formal with an activity or a speaker and dinner. Lifelong friendships are often made in 41 Club.
Founded 1927
Round Table
Round Table is open to young men aged from 18-45 and about having fun with a great bunch of people and trying something new. Founded in 1927, Round Tables meet all over Great Britain and Ireland to try white water rafting, hiking, and zorbing, or perhaps go for a round of crazy golf, learn how to make the perfect sushi or take a tour of the local brewery. Round Table clubs raise over £3.3 million a year and are proud to support national charities like Children in Need and Anthony Nolan as well as thousands of local charities and individuals making an enormous difference to millions of lives every year.